Fed up with the winter weather? Why not borrow a jigsaw from the Library? We have lots to choose from; 500 and 1000 pieces, plus a few for children
Storytime for those aged 6 and under Saturday 15th February 10.30am - 11.00am
Our next Book Sale and Coffee Morning is on Saturday 1st March 10.00am until 12.00noon Paperback books 50p, Hardbacks £1, Children's Books 30p each or 4 for £1 Hot drink & cake or biscuit £1.50 CASH ONLY please as we do not have a card reader
The Winter Mini Reading Challenge is a fun online challenge that encourages children to keep up their reading from 1 December 2024 to 20 February 2025. It’s free to take part on wintermini.org.uk, where children can collect rewards for logging and reviewing books. Whatever your interest, it all counts. Unlock a special badge and earn a certificate of achievement once you meet your reading goal!
Congratulations to the children who completed this year's Summer Reading Challenge by reading 6 books during the summer holidays and coming to talk to us about their books. 100 children took part in the Challenge and 67 completed it. Thank you to all of young volunteers who helped us over the summer holidays by signing up the children and listening to them talk about their books. Medal ceremonies were held in Fulbourn, Teversham and Great Wilbraham Primary Schools and in the Library for the children not attending these schools.
Mary Drage, Parish Councillor, presented the children with their medals and certificates at the Library ceremony. Certificates were also presented to the young volunteers in recognition of their excellent work over the summer holidays.
Fulbourn Village Library - on the ground floor of The Swifts Meeting Rooms
Book Sale and Coffee Morning held on
1st Saturday in the month 10am - 12noon
Story Time held on 3rd Saturday in the month 10.30am to 11am
Christina Koning previously visited ten years ago to talk about her book ‘Variable Stars’.
This time she spoke about how since then, she has created a new series of crime novels featuring Frederick Rowlands ‘The Blind Detective’. Rowlands is very loosely based on her own grandfather who was blinded at Ypres and had three daughters. Set in the inter-war years each book stands alone, but there is a continuing back story of Frederick’s family. Christina also explained how changing publishers has changed both the look and titles of her books.
She then gave a reading from the beginning of the latest book in the series ‘Murder at Bletchley Park’ which begins in Cambridge! There are at least two more to come. After this there were questions from, and a lively discussion with, the audience before refreshments were served and books purchased and signed.
Thank you to everyone who supported us at Fulbourn Feast on Sunday 30th June. The money raised will help to run the Library and to purchase new books.
Author Talk by Susan Grossey - 29th February 2024
Susan gave us a talk in 2016 when she was part way through writing her first series of historical crime novels, the Sam Plank Mysteries, set in London. She entertained us then and she certainly did not disappoint us this time.
In the intervening years, Susan has completed the 7 Sam Plank Mysteries and has embarked on a new series set in Cambridge, the Cambridge Hardiman Mysteries, featuring Gregory Hardiman. The first of which, Ostler, is already published. She has 4 more books planned and Gregory's character and life experiences will be revealed throughout the series.
For 25 years Susan ran a financial consultancy, advising on anti money laundering before deciding to write historical crime fiction. She loves doing the research which is required to write about life in the 1820s and has to set herself deadlines for writing, otherwise she would continue with the research!
Susan answered questions from the audience about her research, Cambridge in the 1820s, her characters and about self-publishing. After her very interesting and entertaining talk she sold and signed copies of her books while refreshments were being served.
Our 20th Birthday Celebration - 18th November 2023 We were so pleased to see over 75 people at our special coffee morning to mark the occasion. This fantastic cake was admired, then enjoyed by everyone. It was a very cheerful morning and we were flattered to receive the following comments: "What a lovely community you have, what dedicated volunteers and a great space." "Thank you for hosting such a lovely event and the turnout showed how well loved the library is in the local community" "Congratulations to all the volunteers for an excellent celebration. Am so glad it was so well attended. The atmosphere was so good and a tribute to you all."
Why were we celebrating? In 2003 Cambridgeshire County Council voted to close Fulbourn Library and 9 other libraries around the County to save money, but offered each community the chance to take them over and run them as Community Managed Libraries.
The Friends of Fulbourn Library took on the challenge. They worked to recruit volunteers and to organise the transition from a library run by Cambridgeshire County Council to a library run by volunteers. There have been many changes since 2003, not least a move of premises and several changes to the computer systems, but we are still here and very proud of our Library.
Reading Well books
As part of their commitment to support local community and raise awareness of mental health, Cambridgeshire Libraries has gifted sets of Reading Well books to local communities, including Fulbourn Village Library. Thereare 3collections to suit different community groups and organizations, includingReading Well for Mental Healthforadult readers, Shelf Help for young people’s mental health,and Reading Well for Children. The books are available to borrow and displayed on the small yellow trolley in the Library. Please click on the links below to see the available titles: 30 titles fromthe Reading Well for Mental Health collection for adult readers 21 titles from the Shelf Help collection for young people 31 titles fromReading Well for Childrencollection
Cambridgeshire Libraries still have many online resources you can access
If you are not currently a member of Cambridgeshire Librariesclick here to join.
For your exercise around Fulbourn - click on the picture to download the content.
Fulbourn Parish Council have congratulated the Library volunteers for their continued hard work making this community facility such an asset to the village.
What our customers have said about us
Fantastic free resource! My husband and I read a lot so having access to not just the books in Fulbourn Library but the entire county catalogue is an absolute godsend. It means that we can read any newly published titles in hardback,as soon as they appear, without paying huge sums of money. It is a superb resource. The staff in our village library are also extremely friendly and helpful.
Thank you very much to all the volunteers. We love our village library and appreciate all you do.
Love the library - very much.
Thanks for all your hard work in creating such a wonderful space! My daughter loves the library so much.
This is the nicest place in the village!
Fulbourn Village Library is supported by: Cambridgeshire County Council Fulbourn Parish Council